‘EPIK’ is a term associated with articles that delve into the English Program in Korea, a government initiative aimed at improving the English-speaking abilities of students and teachers in Korea. Articles under this category offer insights into the experiences of foreign teachers, their teaching methods, and the cultural exchange that ensues. They also provide valuable information for prospective teachers about the application process, benefits, and challenges of teaching English in Korea.

Showing my EPIK life with Korean students in a classroom

My EPIK Life: 5 Fun Years Teaching English In Korea

Ever thought about making the move to Korea to start the EPIK life teaching English to Korean students but not sure what it's like? Not sure if the EPIK life is for you and something you'd be able to jump into? I hope to answer those questions, and give you my personal insights into like working, teaching, and living in Korea - somewhere I've called home since 2015.