Traditional Korea

Korean kimchi making day Kimjang pin

I Tried Kimjang! Korean Kimchi Making Day Is Tough But Fun

Come wintertime, families across Korea engage in the beloved tradition of kimjang (or gimjang) - a kimchi making day where Koreans communally prepare batches of healthy kimchi for the winter months ahead. I joined in this decades-old Korean custom that centres around people filling napa cabbages with various fermented seasonings and ingredients to create Korea's iconic side dish, kimchi.

Amazing South Korean Culture Facts You'll Want To Know

50 Amazing South Korean Culture Facts You’ll Love 2024

How much do you know about South Korea beyond K-Pop, BBQ, and the odd conflict with North Korea? Korea is a diverse country with a rich history and deep culture that has grown to become a must-see destination. With these 50 South Korean culture facts you'll gain amazing insights into the culture of Korea, the Korean people, life in Korea, food, history, traditions, and lots more.